Thursday, June 13, 2013

This Should Be Hilarious

I love food and I have no willpower. There, I said it.

I eat Girl Scout cookies by the sleeve.
I always have two servings of rice at dinner because rice is delicious.
Sometimes I wake up in bed after a night out drinking and find myself swimming in Cheetos. (Sorry, husband.) 

That said, I actually really love healthy foods! I actually considered becoming a vegetarian for a while but it sounded a little complicated. Yep, too lazy to become a vegetarian. Wow.

It's not only food, though. Finding the time to exercise has proven to be more difficult than I thought. I belong to a 24-hour gym and somehow only manage to make it there 1-2x a week. That is, if I go at all. I know, I'm making excuses. But sometimes after working an 8 hour day, I just want to go home and watch House Hunters while browsing the interwebz from our comfy new couch.

There's a point to all this, I swear.

About a month or so ago, our friends asked if we wanted to run a 5k with them in Philly called Run or Dye. They hold "runs" (not races) all over the country and they support local charities. It looked like an absolute blast - something fun to do with our friends and also an excuse to get into shape. So we signed up.
Doesn't it look like so much funnnn?


Big surprise - the run is this Saturday and I am not prepared for it in the least. Oh, I was pumped for it in the beginning : "Yeah I'm going to count my calories and lose a few pounds! I'm going to run every day! Geoff and I can bond and lose weight together. This is going to be awesooooome!!"

Ok, no. The "running" lasted about a week - and by running I mean huffing and puffing around our apartment complex while old men lap me power-walking. The calorie counting is iffy at best (is it normal to have Jagerbombs under "Snacks" in MyFitnessPal?). Meanwhile, effin' Usain Bolt aka Geoff is running 3+ miles a day and dropping pounds like it's nothing. Shitty men and their metabolisms. 

This text from my brother-in-law pretty much sums it up:
This should be hilarious.

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