Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wedding Day Morning

Waking up on your wedding day is pretty surreal. I was overwhelmed with every emotion imaginable. Everything I did seemed to be significant in some way. Even when I got out of bed and started looking around for a mimosa.

My mom, my sisters and I headed down the boardwalk in search of coffee and breakfast even though I wasn't hungry at all. The sky was majorly overcast but I forced myself to remain calm. Beach weather is always unpredictable and we had hours before the ceremony was supposed to start. We got back to the hotel with coffee in hand and things started happening quickly.

I showered, put on my white Bride robe and sat down to get beautified, orange juice and champagne in hand. Some of my girls stopped in while I was getting ready to chat and have a drink, which helped calm my nerves. The photog and videographer arrived and started doing their thing. I tried to tune them out as much as possible and STAY IN THE MOMENT, but it's weird having people constantly taking pictures and video of you during one of the most exciting and emotional days of your life.

Once hair and makeup were done, Geoff's brother Greg (the best man) stopped by to drop off a gift from Geoff.

Funny tidbit: One night we were out drinking before the big day and I drunkenly asked him what he was buying me for our wedding day. "I have to buy you something?" "Well, no, but I got you something." "Okay, what do you want?" "I want the Kate Spade necklace. You know, the Mrs. necklace."

So that's what he bought me. I didn't even pretend to act surprised when I opened it but it was still very sweet and emotional.

Then it was time for a shot, which was disgusting, and finally putting on my wedding gown. Eeeek!

Next up: The Wedding Dress and Final Touches

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