Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

Dear Charlotte,
Happy Birthday to you,
I can't believe you're already two!
It seems like just yesterday I was being awoken at 6am with the news that your mom was in labor. Uncle Geoff and I rushed to the hospital so I could be in the delivery room for your birth. As you can see, Aunt Jenna was a big help.
What? It was like 6:30 in the morning.
After a while, you decided you were ready to be born and you came squirting into the world, purple and covered in goo. It was kinda weird but also the coolest experience of my life.
Proud Auntie right here.
It has been amazing watching you grow into a little person.

You are so smart and so funny. You make me laugh constantly.

I love your selfies.

Most of all, I love your little voice calling me "An Nenna" (Aunt Jenna) and Uncle Geoff "Efffff." You are growing up so fast.

 Happy Birthday, baby! An Nenna loves you!!
And of course, Happy Fourth of July!

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