Monday, July 1, 2013

Tornados, Bridal Showers, & Bachelorettes, Oh My!

Damn I am exhausted!
Scary low clouds and tornado warnings pushed us into New Jersey on Friday so we could hang with Amy and Leo.
We hit Currans, took advantage of Fireball Friday, then went back to their apartment and imbibed in a few too many Corona Lights. My kinda Friday. Although going to bed at 3am probably wasn't the best idea since I had a bridal shower the next morning...

On our way to Dana's bridal shower on Saturday, my friend Heather gave me this. :)
We had a great time at the bridal shower - a nice sit-down family style Italian lunch and red wine. A lot of red wine.

The same night was Dana's bachelorette back in Delaware, which included the most ridiculous scavenger hunt I have ever done. And my group won, natch.

Again I was up all hours of the night and had to rally the next morning to go back up to New Jersey for Amy's bridal shower on Sunday. I was struggling, y'all. I realized halfway through the day that I was wearing my dress backwards. Yes...backwards. Fortunately I wasn't in any state to care, so I left it that way.

The beautiful bride and her bridesmaids! Excuse my appearance...I'd been drunk for two days straight.
I had a GREAT weekend with my girls, but I was so happy to see my couch. Can't believe it's Monday (and July!) already. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!
Sami's Shenanigans

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