Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Need a Vacation {Part One}

Is it possible to need a vacation from your vacation?! We had an amazing time at the beach and we are (still) exhausted. Let's dig in!

Saturday, Geoff and I loaded up my car and hit the road, iced coffee in hand (a necessity, in my opinion). Once we made the slow crawl through the Delaware beaches, we arrived in Ocean City MD. Our hotel was on 59th Street, where we stocked the fridge with the essentials (aka BOOZE) and unpacked (kind of).

We had plans for dinner in Rehoboth with my aunt and uncle, my cousin and her boyfriend. So back in the car we went! We ate at one of my favorite restaurants, Summer House. Yum!!

After dinner we made the short drive into Dewey and decided to go to northbeach, which sits on the bay and has amazing sunset views. We had a round of Dewey Devils (a slushy mix of 151 rum and light rum, blackberry brandy, orange juice, strawberries and cream). Then once my aunt and uncle left, things got a little crazy. Red Bull and vodka, Fireball shots... I remember dancing the Wobble and being very excited when "Blurred Lines" came on.

Me + my cousin
After northbeach, we made our way down to the Lighthouse. My poor husband was exhausted and nearly falling asleep standing up, so naturally I decided he should have a Red Bull & vodka, as well. Solid idea, really. This photo is the last one I have of him before he turned into SloppyPants.

Apparently I make Geoff take pictures of me when I've been drinking. Here are the two least embarrassing photos. Looking goooood. It was soon after these were taken that we headed home, thankfully. Yikes.

Surprisingly I didn't feel like total shit the next morning. Geoff and I hauled ass back to OCM for a relaxing day on the beach. Knowing that we had lots of plans for the end of the week, we spent a low-key Sunday night on the boardwalk and watched dueling pianos (awesome!) at one of our fave Ocean City spots, Shenanigans.

Next up on our vacay recaps: more relaxation in Ocean City, then a night of bar-hopping in Rehoboth!

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