Monday, May 20, 2013


Happy Monday!
Over the weekend, Geoff and I went to New Jersey to visit our friends Amy and Leo. (We live in Delaware, but Geoff is from Jersey and that's where a lot of our friends live.) Geoff and Leo have known each other since grade school, so they're totally BFFs. We went on vacay with them a few years ago to Jamaica and it was a total blast. Amy and Leo are getting married in October and Geoff is a groomsman. We are super excited for their big day!
So this happened on Saturday.
And then this happened.
(Oh man she's gonna kill me for posting this).
After a few games of beer pong (in which the girls dominated, natch!) and some more shenanigans, Amy and I ended up outside with her fiancée. (My hubby has a habit of passing out early, so he was sleeping on the couch). We started talking about their wedding and I said "Can I come visit you while you're getting ready on the wedding day?"
A little background:
Amy and I have known each other since Geoff and I started dating (so about 6 years). We're friends but in the last couple months, we've gotten so much closer. Our daily texting is kinda out of control. We quote New Girl on the reg.
Amy has a group of very close friends, so I didn't feel bad or anything when she didn't ask me to be a bridesmaid. I've been through the wedding thing and it involves making tough decisions. Plus she and Leo live about an hour away in Jersey so we don't see each other as often as we'd like. I was just excited that Geoff was a groomsman and I told her I would be there for whatever she needed!
So imagine my surprise when she asked me to be a bridesmaid right there on the balcony! Even though it's a little late to the game, I told her absolutely yes, I would love to be in her bridal party! We have gotten so close in the last few months and I now consider her to be one of my best friends. I think some girls might have been offended, but I couldn't be more excited. I guess I should start looking for a bridesmaid dress!
So then I spent the rest of the night running around their apartment yelling "I'm a BRIDESMAID!" and promptly posted it on Facebook (can't take it back now, biotch!).
(I'm a bridesmaid!! posted on Facebook at 12:48am).

At my bachelorette party

Jamaica 2009

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