Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Welcome to The Jenna Chronicles!

Hi! I'm Jenna. It's so nice to meet you! Welcome to my blog.

Meet my husband of nearly nine months, Geoff.
And our dog Utley (who is female and named after Philadelphia Phillies player Chase Utley).
There are a number of reasons why I decided to start blogging:
1. I recently married the greatest guy in the world. We love being newlyweds and married life has been interesting, to say the least.
2. I'm at a crossroads in my life, work-wise. I'm 27 and still unsure what career path I should be walking down. So for the time being, I'm taking temp jobs, which sucks but pays the bills.
3. I'm trying to get in shape. I gained 10 pounds, easily, after our wedding in August. Now I'm working hard to be healthy and lose weight by making lifestyle changes. Which is shitty, for now, but I'm determined!
4. I've always loved to write! I see a blank page of paper and feel the need to fill it. I love the idea of documenting life and what I discover along the way.
5. I anticipate a lot of changes coming up for our little family soon – we might be moving and house-hunting is definitely coming up in the near future!

    So please... grab a glass of wine and join me as I blog about married life, getting in shape, fashion, beauty, food, and all the randomness life has to offer!

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