Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Letters

Dear Tropical Storm Andrea, go away, seriously! No one has time for your drama. It's the weekend and I have big plans to sit poolside with a cold brew, not deal with torrential downpours and gusty winds on your journey up the East Coast. Please and thank you.  Dear Husband, thanks for paying for everything lately. I'm sure it's no fun having a broke-ass wife. I'll make it up to you when I'm rich and famous. ;)  Dear Monthly Bills, just stop it. (I'm looking at you, student loans). You are a constant weight on my shoulders, not to mention you're cramping my style. Literally... I need a new summer wardrobe, stat!  Dear Paula Deen, I hate to admit it, but I think I love you. Anyone who gets that joyful and excited over food is alright in my book. Plus your sons aren't too bad on the ole' peepers. :)  Dear Dunkin Donuts coconut iced coffee, you taste like summer and the beach and you put a big smile on my face. Thanks for being awesome.
Happy weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. Id love to follow ya but you haven't set up anything yet. Your blog is cute! Ohh Dunkin donuts!
