Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Shenans!

Ugh Monday. Not you again. Womp womp.

Friday was rainy and generally crappy weather-wise, but I wasn't going to let Tropical Storm Andrea mess with my weekend! The hubs and I hit up happy hour at our favorite local bar before heading over to our friends' house for a few drinks, which turned into lots of drinks and a dance party, I think? ;)

Apparently I'm getting seriously old because I CAN NOT hang anymore. I was so hungover on Saturday that I did nothing but lay on the couch and watch movies (Easy A and Superbad, in case you're wondering). I only moved when Geoff mentioned Sweet Frog. And this, my friends, is what $18 worth of frozen yogurt looks like.

My husband's (left) is bordering on the ridiculous.

Sunday I managed to be more productive: I painted my nails and laid out by the pool, natch!

Sunday night, we watched Stepbrothers while Geoff dozed and I slathered myself in aloe vera (sunburn, really?). The next few weekends are going to be jam-packed; I'm sooo glad we kept a low profile the last few days. Sometimes you just need a commitment-free weekend, ya know?
Hello, Ms. Lady! I'm Dale, I'm Brennan's stepbrother, and I think I may be able to help with the Pan-Pam dilemma...

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. mmm sweet frog sounds like an awesome place! I love turqouise and caicos nail polish. I don't have it yet but its really cute lol

  2. Hahahaha I love your weekend. Your Sweet Frog is killing me; it looks SO good

  3. List of things I love about your weekend:
    Easy A - I could watch this movie a hundred times (and probably already have) and never get sick of it!
    That FroYo - I usually don't crave sweets, but you've got me wanting froyo bad now!!
    Your nailpolish color is so pretty! I need to hop on over to the store and get me some of that. And laying out, always nice and relaxing. :)

    Stopping by from Weekend Shenanigans link up!
