Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Girls Night Out

Before I get to all the juicy wedding details, I've gotta talk about my bachelorette party. Obviously.

I think it's great that some girls do "bachelorette weekends" and head for the beach or Vegas or Florida with their friends. That's just not me, though. I couldn't imagine asking my girls to shell out hundreds of bucks for a bachelorette party, essentially. I honestly just wanted a great night out with my friends - no need to drain anyone's bank account for little ole' me.

We started at my friend Maureen's house where my girls had decorated, made sangria, and laid out a spread of amazing food. I'm in the middle of drinking my champs when I hear a ruckus at the front door. In walks my future mother-in-law and a whole slew of aunts and Geoff's grandmother carrying buckets of shots and HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE PENISES. As in, my future husband's grandmother made me chocolate penises for my bachelorette party. Whaaaa. Thankfully they only stayed for a little while - I did not want to drunkenly embarrass myself in front of them.

I'm classy.
Next up: Houlihan's Restaurant.

A little backstory: I met Geoff at Houlihan's (or Houli's, as employees tend to call it). He was a manager and I started out as a hostess (eventually served, bartended, and become a trainer). The story of how we got together deserves a post all it's own, but Houlihan's has quite the track record among our circle of friends. To date, one Houli's couple is married with a little one on the way. Three Houli's couples are getting married this fall. Another Houli's couple is getting married in March. And I'm only counting our friends! The restaurant business is a funny thing.

ANYWAY. It was only fitting that we hit up Houlihan's as a nod to Geoff and my relationship. I had a drink the size of my head and a few shots.

Next up, a bar down the street from Houli's called Top Dog. Our group took this espresso vodka shot...

...and one of my bestie's threw up. Right there in the bar. On some girls sitting next to us. And walked calmly away. *ahemAmy*

I got pulled onstage by the band which was great. Then I lost my balance and fell down, which was awesome. Apparently it looked like I "just decided to sit down. On stage." I imagine it looked a little something like this:

The usual drunken dancing and shenanigans ensued. Love my girls. :)

One of my very favorite photos from the night.
Things got very hazy after that. We MAY have been asked to leave. Womp womp.

Back at Maureen's house we continued with the debauchery and of course, had an *NSYNC dance party. I actually have video of this but there's no way in hell I'm putting that on the interwebz. I've got a reputation to maintain. :)

I had an amazing night with my favorite girls. Couldn't have asked for a better bachelorette party!

Next week on Wedding Wednesday: The Morning of Our Wedding!

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