Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend (Semi)-Shenanigans

This baby blogger is going to try a link-up for the first time. Let's see how this goes... :)
I had a great weekend but it was FREAKING HOT, y'all! Mid 90s and sticky humid. Gross.
Friday night after work, Geoff and I met up with two of my girlfriends for happy hour. As usual, I wanted to keep the party going but my hubs had work at 5am on Saturday (ugh it sucks when he works the weekends) and my ladies had things to do. So I decided to take an impromptu trip up to Jersey to hang with our besties Amy and Leo!

We went down the street from their apartment to a little bar called Currans. There was a local band playing and they were pretty decent. Some drunkass insisted on "chair dancing" and by that I mean he was dragging a chair around the floor while simultaneously thrusting at the air. Very sexy. ;)
Blogger fail: our shenanigans lasted into the early morning hours and I totally didn't take any pictures. Trust me, it probably wasn't pretty.
Saturday, I was my mom's date at a wedding in Maryland. The people who live across from my mom have been our neighbors for 27 years and I grew up with their daughter, who was the bride. The wedding was at the Kitty Knight House, which is right on the Sassafras River. It was absolutely gorgeous!
If you can believe it, I got sunburned in the twenty minutes we sat outside for the ceremony, that's how brutally hot it was.
The reception took place outside under a tent with chandeliers and paper lanterns strung from the ceiling. The bride was stunning. The booze was flowing. Mom and I had a really great time!
See how shiny we are?
Sunday we woke up to darkish skies but I was determined to get some sun, since the forecast wasn't calling for rain and it was still a billion degrees outside. Geoff invited his friend Matt, we hit the liquor store, then went over to my dad's pool.
Oh and I would NOT suggest getting Evan William's cinnamon whiskey. The dude at the liquor store swore it tasted like Fireball. Well it does not, my friends. Gross. I still drank it though... I couldn't let it go to waste. :)
I'm glad this weekend was pretty relaxing. The next few weeks are going to be hectic - bridal showers, Run or Dye in Philadelphia, the Italian Festival and more shenanigans, I'm sure. And I'll be blogging about all of it!
Oh and one thing before I go:
I'm reading "Sad Desk Salad" by Jessica Grose and the title was inspired by what it sounds like: girls in their offices at lunch time eating their sad desk salads. The irony wasn't lost on me. :)

Sami's Shenanigans

1 comment:

  1. 1. Salad Desk Salad...I need to read this!

    2. I've never heard of Evan William's cinnamon whiskey, but I wouldn't be brave enough to try it. Coronas, however...I love those.
