Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

It's Wedding Wednesday!

So, total fail, I wanted to post about this wedding last Wednesday but I started a new job (yay!), so blogging fell to the back burner. Today it is!
My cousin Lisa got married over Memorial Day weekend on Sunday. I grew up with Lisa and her sister Laura. We went to dance class together, starting around age 2. They turned out to be really talented and took dance seriously; me, not so much. (True story: my mom would drop me off at ballet class, I would wait for her to drive away, then I would walk across the street to Dunkin Donuts and hang out until it was time for her to pick me up. I'm not sure she knows I did that... sorry Mom.)
ANYWAY. We were totally late to the ceremony. SOMEONE had to stop and get a Red Bull. Way to go, husband.
Lisa's father is a deacon. So he not only got to walk her down the aisle, he also performed the ceremony, which was very special.

The reception was a great time, although I have to say: when someone requests Cupid Shuffle, you put that shit on. People loooove the Cupid Shuffle. Geoff requested it for me and the DJ told him no. Womp womp. They did play the Wobble, which comes in a close second to the Shuffle, but still.

Sorry for the crap iPhone photos. One day I'll be able to afford a DSLR, le sigh.


Me and the beautiful bride!

Great times! Although I may have been slightly annoyed when I noticed Geoff had imbibed in a few too many Cap't and gingers. I was ready to hit the bars after the wedding and this fool fell asleep in the car. At 10:12pm.

It's a good thing he's cute. ;)

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