Monday, June 17, 2013

More Weekend Shenanigans!

So we ran a 5K in Philadelphia on Saturday. I'm proud to say I didn't collapse or otherwise embarrass myself, although there was no way in hell I was running the whole 3.1 miles. My sweet hubby stuck with me the whole time. What a guy.

Obviously we needed drinks after such rigorous exercise, so we drove into the city to bar hop on South Street. (Did I mention we were covered in dye from the run?) Lickety Split is one of Geoff and my favorite bars in Philly, so we stopped there for food and alcohol. I had a Pink Vagina, in case you were wondering.

We finally made it back to Delaware around 7:00 and both passed out immediately. Damn, we are old.

Sunday I hit up a friend's bridal shower. Loved the wedding gown-shaped red velvet cupcakes and hand painted wineglass favors! (Overheard during the toilet paper wedding dress game: "You look like a pregnant ninja bride!")

And then, of course, after the shower Geoff and I went to visit my dear old dad. We brought him dinner and drank wine by the pool until a rainstorm drove us inside. My dad and I have a great relationship and I am so proud to be his daughter. Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Linking up late with Sami's Shenanigans!

Sami's Shenanigans

1 comment:

  1. Your 5k looked like so much fun! We have done a 5k mud run the past two years and I am thinkin I want to try one where we don't have to shower after word...haha... stopping by from Sami's link up!
